Did You Get the Shakes After Smoking Weed? There are so many positives linked to cannabis consumption, but the main reason most people start their day with a morning Wake
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A stoner’s travel guide isn’t your typical travel guide. No, this travel guide to Tacoma, Washington will take you on a Hazey journey (see what we did there?) through one

You smoke the green and you have a pet. And, because your pet loves you, she wants to sit right next to you (or on you), smack-dab in the center

For many cannabis lovers, medicating has often come with some unpleasant judgment from others. But, as marijuana legalization has slowly spread throughout the country, it’s becoming more common for people

With Great Puffs Come Great Consideration As the big stoner that you are, you may not really think of cannabis use as being associated with the proper, correct societal behavior.

The Dopest “Would You Rather” Questions for Stoners of All Time Save these for your next smoke sesh. There are few things in the world quite as awkward as sitting

As an older adult, you likely have a bit of a complicated relationship with cannabis. The therapeutic use of cannabis is a pivotal development, one that provides many elderly individuals

There are so many dads that have been smoking weed for longer than you’ve even been a thought in their mind. Encountering families with two or even three generations of

Cannabis is a botanical wonder that just keeps on surprising the world. As cannabis research gains momentum, the biological complexity and multi-faceted potential for both recreational and medicinal use of

Are Edibles, Flower, or Vapes Best for New and Experienced Cannabis Consumers? When it comes to recreational cannabis consumption, there is a seemingly endless number of methods available now than

Cannabis and PTSD Memorial Day is just around the corner. This holiday honors the men and women who lost their lives during their service in the United States military, and

Knowing how to buy weed at a dispensary without focusing solely on the THC percentage can be a tough one. But, THC percentage is just one tiny piece of the

The CB1 and CB2 Receptors Comparison Guide Your brain uses neuroreceptors to process cannabinoids like THC and CBD. These neuroreceptors are responsible for both natural cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) and plant cannabinoids

She’s keen on the green, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s one to wear a pot leaf shirt. The distance between canna-friendly mom and a stoner mom is as wide

Easter is typically known as a religious holiday, one that celebrates Jesus Christ of the Christian faith. Other traditions classically included in the celebration of Easter, such as the Easter

Remembering Jordan Brown Jordan Brown, budtender and friend to many, passed on March 19, 2022 after being shot during a robbery here at World of Weed. Jordan is a passionate

The majority of us have already figured out whether we’re a morning person stoner or a night owl stoner, or if we fall somewhere between. Each one of us has

CBD oil has been flowing into thousands of different beauty products these days – it’s even in toothpaste! With CBD’s calming, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s hardly surprising that this

Seasoned stoners are always looking for that next special jar of flower to round out their stash. If you’ve been smoking weed for a while, you may be looking for

Don’t stress; World of Weed has you covered with this tutorial for a CBD facial steam. Short of undergoing professional extraction, pampering your skin to a CBD facial steam is

The Dalai Lama once stated that “the purpose of our lives is to be happy.” Even John Clarke said that being “early to bed and early to rise, makes a

You just got off work. It’s Friday evening, you’re cruising along as you hit the blunt. You feel good about your week and you’re looking forward to the relaxing weekend.

There are tons of ways to consume cannabis. You can go to dispensaries and stock up to host weed tastings, smoke solo, or have a casual smoke sesh with friends.

There are days when staying positive and sanguine can feel about as easy as nailing jello to a tree. Perhaps it was a stressful day at work, a fight with

Training your weed palate really is a lot like what you’re thinking: Hours and lots of jars dedicated to tasting strains. Part mental and part physical, training your weed palate

You’ve just scored the perfect supply of edibles but can’t eat all of them at once. So, how do you store them? If you have ever wondered whether to keep

We all reach that point in the long, cold, dark season of winter when it feels as though the warmth of spring may never come. Winter days make it hard

The Best Cannabis Beverages for New Year’s Eve Many believe that the way you spend New Year’s Eve sets the tone for the entire year ahead of you. If that’s

Had One Too Many Dabs? How to Stop Being High From Weed If you’ve overindulged on weed, you’re probably reading this to look for the best ways to stop being

The cannabis industry is the fastest-growing in the United States, starting 2021 with over 321,000 open positions available nationwide. As more new states begin adopting recreational cannabis use, the industry

What happens when you mix weed and tobacco? Turns out, quite a bit. Mixing weed and tobacco creates a distinctly different smoking experience, one that some people love and some

It’s not easy to recap a year of dabbing, especially when your favorite Tacoma dispensary offers such a large selection of potent concentrates. This year, concentrates from brands like Blue

Well, it’s that time of year again. Virtually everyone is busy planning and packing for their holiday vacation – but you don’t plan to go anywhere. Many people who choose

With the recent boom in the popularity of concentrates, which really kicked off in 2010 with the High Times Cannabis Cup competitions, many cannabis enthusiasts are likely to have dabbed

Edibles are having their time in the spotlight right now, but flower still reigns king within the cannabis community. With dispensaries throughout so many states and there being at least

The best part of waking up is having your morning wake and bake with a steamy mug of coffee in one hand and your favorite bong in the other. It’s

The holiday season is supposed to be one of merriment and wonder, but for many people, the holiday season can take a toll on mental health. The holidays can trigger

From bangers to torches, we could all use that extra addition to our dab cart to make dabbing even more of an experience. Whether you’re shopping for a collector with

Buying a new bong, pipe, or rig is an exciting moment for most stoners, regardless of how many years they’ve been blazing. Because that piece will be there, waiting to

When it comes to seasons, fall has it all — and there are seemingly endless fun activities to make it romantic. Whether you’re trying to put some spice into a

If we’re being honest, the only thing more exciting than the feast on Thanksgiving is the fact it’s socially acceptable to start imbibing before noon and spend the rest of

Halloween is practically upon us, being just a few days away. You may be hyped about the holiday, excited to don a spooky costume — or a stoner Halloween costume

Have you had The Talk with your kids yet? No, not the sex talk – the weed talk. You may have thought this particular topic could wait until high school,

A while back, we shared thirty stoner thoughts to ponder while high. This time, we’re switching the focus to questions specifically about weed. Whether you’re a die-hard stoner or just

When you need a bit of extra pep in your step, you may think you definitely need a bowl of some potent sativa. When it’s time to get some shut-eye,

There’s no denying the fact purple weed is aesthetically pleasing. In fact, it’s downright beautiful. Many purple weed strains have become famous because of their unusual purple shades and potent

This summer comes with sunny skies, refreshing breezes, and singing birds — what better time to begin a journey to the enjoyment of cannabis culture? Whether you’re smoking solo, with

When you’re spending your days off by the pool, grilling up something tasty, or just relaxing in the shade after doing some yard work, you need a cool summer drink

Getting a Cannabis Career in Washington Until recently, the vast majority of people thought having a cannabis career meant having a shady, under-the-table job or working in a top-secret grow

Trying to combat stress? Running your way to a healthier life? Lifting for a happier you? Maybe even yes to all of the above? The fact exercise can provide lifelong

You’re vaxxed, you’re waxed, and you’re ready to surprise your partner with a fun, outdoor stoner date idea. Unfortunately, you can’t seem to think of anything to do. (We get

Summer is the perfect season for backyard smoke seshes, barbecues, picnics, and just general basking in the sun with your favorite bong in your hand. Not just any old strain

Books and bud go together like chocolate and cheesecake. Without cannabis, many of the greatest and most profound novels to have ever been written would never have existed; book signings

The stigma surrounding tattoos is easing up and tattoos are everywhere these days. After years of being hidden under long sleeves, it’s now common to see tattoos on your budtender,

If you’ve ever attempted to quit smoking cigarettes, then you know first-hand what an awful experience it can be. Nicotine withdrawal causes a long list of adverse effects that range

A puff or two of the right strain can boost your confidence, put you in a romantic mood, or take you straight into an ocean of calm. There are a

There are so many ways to celebrate Father’s Day with a cannabis-loving dad. Sure, you can always pick out the perfect wax or get him a great card, but it’s

Sometimes, you need something a bit more special than just “hey” with a million y’s when you’re trying to grab the attention of your crush. While many stoner pick-up lines

Having a positive outlook on life comes with many advantages for stoners. This is especially true when you’re just starting to venture into the world of cannabis. The knowledge and

Weed and cereal are two of life’s greatest pleasures, and finding the perfect match once those munchies hit can be a truly delicious adventure. As with any weed and food

You’re on the go all day, every day. You’re running around – finishing errands, paying bills, commuting to and from work, and visiting friends. With the hectic nature of our

Spring is in full swing. Tank tops and shorts are being pulled from closets, birds are out singing and chirping, and there is an abundance of blooming flowers. And although

It can be hard to quantify just how amazing moms can be. They’re there when you need advice, they pick you up when you’re feeling down, and they juggle a

Gaming of all types has boomed in popularity in the past few years. Gamers spend countless hours playing their games without rest. Some do it to get views on their

Can you believe it’s already April 20th?? As the cannabis lover’s favorite time of the year, 4/20 is finally here. With this stoner holiday comes the biggest shopping day of

You’re a stoner, through and through. You smoke every chance you get. Cannabis is your passion and it’s a way of life. The only difficult part is paying for it

Regardless of what your favorite season is, odds are spring is one that makes you think of trying something new or, at the very least, getting out of the house

Ah, the season of the Irish. Most St. Patrick’s Days, we cram as many fun activities into the day as possible. Parades. Sporting green. Corned beef and cabbage. Green beer.

You’ve purchased the gifts, you’ve set up dinner reservations, and you have a fun night planned. Now, all that’s left to do for Valentine’s Day is choose the best weed

Sometimes, a trip to the dispensary can create a ridiculous amount of pressure. Either you’re grabbing an eighth at a new spot and you’re curious, but afraid to look silly