If you’ve spent any time online, you’ve likely heard all about self-care involving bubble baths, new clothes, and getting your nails done.
But, that’s definitely not the case. While a good bubble bath can be relaxing, and it’s fun to get your nails done, those are not the only ways to practice self-care. There is also no right or wrong way to do it.
But, there is the stoner way of doing things.
There are myriad benefits to practicing self-care, too. Research shows the more we practice self-care, the more productive, imaginative, and confident we become. We make more sound decisions, foster stronger and healthier relationships, and communicate effectively.
Sounds great, right?
It is, but it can be tough to know where to start. Here, we share self-care tips for stoners, ranging from getting more sleep to indulging in a morning wake-and-bake.
Whether you can add them into your daily routine or only have time for them once a month, incorporate these self-care tips for stoners into your life to help yourself feel better whenever you need it — and even when you don’t.
10 Self-Care Tips for Stoners
1. Get more sleep
So many people think hitting that snooze button a bunch is the easier, gentler way to wake up. In actuality, this causes your sleep to be disrupted, leaving you feeling groggy and sluggish throughout the day.
Combat this by setting your alarm to the time you naturally wake up. This will help you resist the urge to hit snooze.
Even better? Have your morning Wake and Bake set out, ready to go.
Which brings us to the next tip. . .
2. Indulge in a morning Wake and Bake
Start your day off with relaxation, euphoria, and energy — start your day with a Wake and Bake. Read our earlier post for the Secret to a Good Wake ‘n’ Bake. Don’t forget to drink a glass of water!
3. Smoke premium flower
When it comes to buying weed in Tacoma, or anywhere for that matter, why would you settle for anything less than the best? Stop by World of Weed for premium flower, and other marijuana products, and don’t forget to read our practical guide to picking potent pot. Treat yourself.
4. Open the blinds
As soon as you wake up, open your blinds or curtains. Even just five minutes of sunlight when you wake up raises your Vitamin D levels and balances your cortisol levels.
5. Take fire dabs
Just as with your flower, don’t settle for anything less than the best when picking your dabs. You want clean, potent, and terpy concentrates to get the long-lasting, great high you want. Read our guide to picking the best dabs for extra help.
6. Get a side hustle
Engaging in hobbies you genuinely enjoy has been proven to reduce stress and can activate genes that raise your immunity and decrease any inflammation. This is because doing things you enjoy bolsters your immune system in response to your positive emotions.
Plus, bringing in some extra money never hurts. Not sure what you’d do? Start out decorating stash jars or hand-blowing glass pendants.
7. Create a gratitude journal
Get a notebook or journal that catches your eye, and turn that into a gratitude journal. Each day, write down at least five things you are grateful for (or that made you happy) that day. This helps put things into perspective, and is helpful to reflect on when things get tough.
They don’t have to be profound things, either. Something as simple as, “Bought some fire weed from World of Weed,” works just fine.
8. Treat yourself
Head to your favorite Tacoma dispensary, and treat yourself to a shiny, new bong, pipe, or rig. Whatever strikes your fancy.
9. Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day
Yes, we know this doesn’t sound very relaxing. But, it’s important to get your body moving for 30 minutes each day to raise your heart rate and keep your body functioning at an optimal level. Without exercise, your body gets sluggish and you start feeling crappy and unmotivated. So, pack some pre-rolls and take a nice walk.
10. Practice meditation
Meditation has a long list of benefits, including reducing stress, controlling anxiety, and managing pain. Taking even just fifteen minutes each day to breathe and meditate will make such a big difference. Smoke a fat bowl, and then find your calm.
What’s your favorite self-care tip? Let us know what you’d add to this list.
Disclaimer: Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit-forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of Marijuana. Marijuana, in any form, should not be used by individuals that are pregnant or breastfeeding. Marijuana is intended for use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. This product may be unlawful outside of Washington State.