With Great Puffs Come Great Consideration
As the big stoner that you are, you may not really think of cannabis use as being associated with the proper, correct societal behavior. But, the truth is that the diverse cannabis community across the nation is built upon a foundation of gratitude and respect for its space in society. Stoner etiquette rules are very much a thing — and important ones, at that.
Having good manners and being considerate isn’t just a remnant of prim high society. Many cannabis consumers tend to follow set social stipulations and societal norms, though these rules are unwritten and unspoken.
This makes stoner etiquette a formidable thing to wrestle with. Not everyone follows the same code of social conduct, but there are some basic guidelines that have persisted throughout the decades; ashing the blunt before passing is considered to be a hallmark of “good stoner manners”, while holding the blunt as you tell a story is considered a faux pas.
In a society where cannabis consumption has been mostly legalized and is in the process of becoming legal across the country, the establishment of stoner etiquette “rules” is pretty much an unavoidable reality. The social stigma surrounding cannabis use and discourse has slowly evaporated; celebrity stoners like Snoop Dogg, Rihanna, Seth Rogan, and Wiz Khalifa have become prominent proponents of the weed and CBD products that have been flooding into the market.
But, how do you how to be a considerate cannabis consumer when the stoner etiquette rules have yet to be written somewhere easily accessible to anyone who needs them?
That’s exactly why we here at World of Weed have written this stoner etiquette guide. We’ve touched on good cannabis manners when it comes to smoking weed in college and Thanksgiving toking, but now it’s time to talk about being a considerate cannabis consumer in all types of situations.
This blog post will cover everything under the stoner etiquette sun, from giving and receiving weed as a gift to consuming cannabis in a home with a non-stoner. And, yes, there’s a whole section about sharing (and not sharing) the green with your friends.
Here’s your handy guide to being a considerate cannabis consumer, with ten stoner etiquette rules fully laid out for you.

Stoner Etiquette, Defined
Etiquette can be defined as the formal manners and rules followed in social and professional settings. This serves as a set of guidelines for what is considered by society to be polite and good manners, and these rules govern proper behavior within societal and professional interactions.
Social etiquette provides people with personal security, enabling them to know how to expect others to behave (generally) in most given situations. It also makes communication with others far clearer, enhancing social interaction by removing barriers instead of building them.
As more states continue to legalize cannabis use, the premise of a fun smoke sesh with friends is becoming a daily norm. It certainly is here in Washington state!
With this normalization comes a litany of questions. Do you bring your own weed to a smoke sesh? Can you light your blunt at a dinner party? What should you do if your roommate doesn’t smoke weed, but you do?
Sure, there are several factors to be considered for each scenario, but having good stoner etiquette and being a considerate cannabis consumer isn’t particularly difficult – especially if you’re already accustomed to being a polite individual elsewhere in your life.
When it comes to stoner etiquette, we’re talking about the guidelines that convey consideration and respect for others and for how basic societal principles can be used to establish positive social rapport as a cannabis consumer.
As stoners in a legal state, it absolutely makes perfect sense to talk about things like not licking the wrap when you roll a shared blunt. What can be used in lieu of spit? It may seem like a silly, small thing – but it can make a big difference in certain situations.
And that’s why stoner etiquette matters.
10 Stoner Etiquette Rules as a Considerate Consumer

1. Sharing is caring
The most important aspect of stoner etiquette to remember is the act of sharing weed is at the epicenter of the cannabis community. So, if you find yourself in a group of people, and you are planning to smoke some weed, offering to share with those around you is paramount.
Rules that tie into that include not holding on to something for longer than necessary to smoke it (such as still holding the blunt as you tell a long-winded story) and don’t waste any weed. This means don’t get rid of something before you have asked everyone else if they would like to finish it.
Regardless of the situation, if you are unable or are unwilling to be generous with your weed and share it with those around you, then you can at the very least be considerate and respectful about it.
Let’s say you have a friend visiting. You want to smoke with them, but you don’t really want to share very much, and they end up taking a bit more than what you originally intended. This is a common situation, and knowing good stoner etiquette helps you to navigate such a situation.
In a scenario like this, you would want to be the one to serve them their hits. Break up or pick out the nug, get the dab ready, or hand them the edible. This helps avoid that awkward moment where each of you is wondering how much is okay to take and how much you want to share, respectively.
There is a delicate line between them, so it’s best for the person hosting the smoking out the other person to be the one to serve up the hits or the dabs, rather than the recipient just helping themselves to whatever is in the container.
2. Bring your own weed
On the flip side of the first stoner etiquette rule about sharing, always bring your own weed to a smoke sesh or other type of cannabis gathering.
The stoner community is very, very big on sharing and referring people to certain brands or recommending specific strains. Adding to this diverse product mix is an excellent way to not only gain favor with those who invited you to the smoke sesh, but also to keep things interesting for longer.
You don’t need to bring your entire stash to the smoke sesh. Simply bring enough for a shared blunt or two. If you’re bringing dabs, a gram is plenty to share. Imagine if you had a group of six people, and they all brought a gram of wax. That would be one super lit sesh!
If you’re low on supplies or funds at the moment, then bring some supplies. Munchies snacks, rolling papers or blunt wraps, your best playlist, one of your favorite bongs or dab rigs — all of these are great to bring to the sesh.
3. Ask about personal bowls vs shared bowls
One of the great things about bongs is the ability to get several, green (fresh) hits out of a single bowl. If you’re passing the bong around the circle, and are first in rotation, control the flame as you carefully light only a small corner of the bowl. This leaves three green hits for others in the circle.
4. Scenario: You find yourself living with a roommate who not only doesn’t smoke weed but who also isn’t very fond of it.
There are several options when it comes to reaching a compromise with a non-stoner roommate that allow you to still follow good stoner etiquette rules.
The first option is to consume your cannabis via a method that does not produce smoke like bongs or big vapor clouds like dab rigs. Using a cannabis vape pen is one route, but this will still produce a scent and clouds that take a moment to dissipate.
Another option is to stick to getting high using cannabis edibles or drinking cannabis beverages.
The final option involves limiting your smoking consumption to within the confines of your bedroom or an outside smoking area. If your roommate is fairly chill, then they may be comfortable with you smoking in your room. This is the ideal compromise that should be respected, as the rest of the house is a shared space. Make sure you keep the smell of the weed within your bedroom walls, however. This may require a fan aimed to blow smoke out through the window, incense being lit, a plush towel placed along the bottom of the bedroom door, the possible use of a sploof, and/or a combination of all these things.
Whatever it takes to maintain good stoner etiquette by keeping the smell of weed out of your house when living with a non-stoner roommate.
5. Giving and receiving weed gifts
Finding the best weed gifts for stoner friends – or to give as a stoner Father’s Day gift – comes with the delicate balance of following the good stoner etiquette rules of giving and receiving weed gifts. Now that you are able to give a fancy box of cannabis chocolates in lieu of a bottle of whiskey, or luxury glass rolling trays instead of a Home Depot gift card, you’d think it would be easier to please everyone. But, that’s not the case.
Keep that in mind when considering these stoner etiquette tips for giving and receiving weed gifts.
Consider the Recipient When Giving Weed Gifts
As with any other type of present, the recipient’s tastes, habits, and lifestyle should be considered. If you have a friend who never takes dabs but loves smoking from a bong, a fancy Vuber dabber kit be a huge hit, but a new bong or a glitter bowl would be perfect. Is your friend really into edibles? A cannabis-infused fruit gummy or pack of cannabis soda that tastes like an orange creamsicle will go over well.
If the recipient is new to cannabis, then start them off slowly. For instance, if they’ve never had an edible before, giving them a 100mg cookie may not be the best idea. Instead, opt for a low-THC cannabis product such as less potent flower or less potent edibles.
Knowing exactly what your gift recipient likes to consume – and how – is key to giving and receiving weed gifts.
The Recipient is Not Required to Share
A gram of Lemon Pie wax is certainly a great weed gift, but don’t give it with the assumption the recipient is going to serve up a dab for you on the spot. If you want to sesh with your friend, stoner etiquette calls for buying an extra amount for shared consumption. Bring an extra gram of concentrates, an additional Blue Roots Cannatella Blunt, or whatever else to share, and let your newly gifted stoner friend enjoy your generous weed gift on their own, whenever they please.
Show Appreciation When Receiving the Weed Gift
When you receive a weed gift (or any type of gift, really), always smile and take the gift with both hands. Thank the gift giver, along with a brief statement made in appreciation of the item.
Ask When to Open the Gift
Be mindful of stoner etiquette rules when receiving a weed gift in front of other people. While most types of gifts are quite alright to open in front of an audience, weed gifts can be questionable. When receiving weed gifts, ask whether you should open the gift right then or if you should wait until you are alone to do so.
Always Include Product Information When Giving Weed Gifts
The biggest thing about giving weed gifts, whether it’s a single pre-rolled joint or a bunch of different cannabis products, is to always include information for the recipient about the item. This information should include the original packaging, the dispensary from which it was purchased, and the brand that made it.
6. Serve only low doses when hosting a cannabis dinner party
When it comes to hosting a cannabis dinner party, the key factor to always keep in mind is low doses, and slow serving.
Communicate to all of your guests, both upon invitation and after arrival at your home, whether or not the meals have cannabis incorporated within the dishes and beverages. If they do, explain how much cannabis has been used, what the dosages are, and what the potential effects could be.
If you plan to have all of the dishes be cannabis-infused, then stoner etiquette dictates not making your guests uncomfortably high – stick to serving meals infused with very low amounts of THC, so small that it takes an entire meal to reach a full dose.
Each individual serving of the cannabis dinner party meal should be nowhere near close to a full dose.
7. Be courteous when smoking at home
In places like here in Tacoma, WA, smoking at home is a daily activity for many. The stoner etiquette rules on smoking at home still revolve around displaying common courtesy toward others.
Be mindful of the neighbors
Yes, given it’s done on private property, it is legal to smoke weed on your own front porch. But, take your neighbors into account. Are you out there, smoking away from the time you leave work until the time you head to bed? How close is your porch to your neighbor’s home? If you don’t want to smoke inside, then it’s good stoner etiquette to go out to your backyard.
Not in front of the children
Smoke outside the view and smell of children, and keep your cannabis products in a locking box. Read this post for more child weed safety tips.
Mind the roommates
Always be clear and upfront with your roommates about your cannabis consumption, and include that during the discussion defining the rules of the home. If your roommate(s) happens to partake, and it’s cool to smoke in the common areas of the house, then remember that you are not required to share every time you smoke.
If you are on friendly terms and tend to smoke around the same time, then perhaps splitting the cost for a monthly house stash would be a good idea.
But, even if you have been offered a thousand times before, never help yourself to a roommate’s stash without getting permission or being told to do so.
If you are not very sure about your roommates, stoner etiquette dictates not making a fuss about it. Smoke in your room, and lock your stash in a locking box in your bedroom.
When guests are over
If you are having guests and wish to share, then that is entirely up to you. You’ve already read the stoner etiquette rules regarding sharing the green.
If the guests are your roommate’s guests, then sharing is a nice gesture if you have a surplus and are feeling particularly hospitable. However, if it’s more than three people and/or becomes a frequent development, avoid the whole awkward “Oh, I need to re-up,” or “Gee, sorry, I’m all out,” situation, get stoned privately in your bedroom.
8. Smoking at non-designated cannabis hotels may be illegal
Most hotels and motels do not allow cannabis smoking or vaping, and you may end up dealing with a hefty fine as a result. This also includes balcony puffs. You can certainly go ahead and risk it with the ol’ towel-under-the-bathroom-door-and-exhaust-turned-on trick from back in the day, but you would be better off sticking to edibles.
There are a couple of cannabis-friendly places to stay in Tacoma, according to KushTourism: Blue Whale Inn and 6th Avenue Home.
9. Stoner etiquette rules at a party
While it is often okay for you to individually go off and smoke (we’ll get to that in a moment), use your best judgment when deciding to propose a group smoke session. If your host’s boss (or yours!) is on the guest list, maybe decide against that. If it’s a kegger with your friends, it’s probably cool.
Either way, stoner etiquette says to ask the host for permission to smoke, and whether you should do it indoors or outdoors. If you’re the one hosting, make this clear to guests at the beginning of the party.
If the party host is also a stoner, then you should bring a host(ess) gift of the cannabis variety. Once again, the recipient of the weed gift is not required to share that gift.
If you’re going outside to smoke, but want to invite some people to join you in a sesh, the number of people you (discreetly) invite will depend on the size of the party. For a small hang-out, be inclusive and make sure everyone has plenty to smoke. If it’s a big rager, quietly give the universal “let’s smoke” signal to a select few guests and discreetly step off into a private area outside.
10. Smoking on a date depends on if the other person likes weed
Planning out a first (or second, third, or heck, even fourth!) date can be tricky, and deciding whether or not it’s okay to get a little bit stoned can make things even more complicated. (Assuming, of course, that you’re not on a stoner date.)
If you’re considering bringing up the idea of a smoke sesh with your new boo, there are a few things to take into account before asking them to spark up with you.
Why do you smoke weed? If it’s something that makes your quality of life better, then communicate that. If you smoke recreationally because it’s fun, or prefer to be high in social situations, then disclose that. Maybe weed is what helps you sleep at night. Or, you could just be a stoner through and through who really loves smoking and would only want to be in a relationship with another stoner. Whatever the case may be, determine that first and then feel out your date’s views on cannabis consumption.
If you’re uncertain how someone feels about cannabis, bring it up in a positive – not evangelical – manner. Tell your date about a cannabis-positive article you recently came across (here are a bunch!), such as the discovery of a new cannabinoid THCP that could be a powerful pain reliever and is 30x stronger than Delta-9-THC or how to become a morning person using cannabis.
By broaching the subject in this way, there is a solid chance that, from this point, you will be able to jump into a discussion about your own cannabis use. These are interesting, atypical weed topics that will engage someone and allow them to open up more comfortably on a date.
If you’re a stoner, there’s no sense in hiding this fact – especially if you want to be in a relationship with this person. After all, there is nothing shameful about smoking weed and definitely nothing worth hiding part of who you are / what you do.
Plus, once the stigma isn’t there, you’ll find weed can potentially bring you and your partner(s) closer together if you’re both stoners.

Stoner Etiquette Puts Others First
This list of stoner etiquette rules for being a considerate cannabis consumer may seem like a long one, and perhaps even a strict list to some. But, the basic success principle rooted within all good stoner manners is: Take other people’s feelings into consideration before consuming. And always pass to the left.
For more information on all things Tacoma recreational cannabis, be sure to keep up with the World of Weed blog!
Disclaimer: Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit-forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of Marijuana. Marijuana, in any form, should not be used by individuals that are pregnant or breastfeeding. Marijuana is intended for use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. This product may be unlawful outside of Washington State.