First, you were right to Google what to do if you get too high from smoking weed.
Second, take a deep breath and slowly exhale. You’re going to be okay and, we promise, you aren’t going to die.
So, you smoked too much, ate too many edibles, or took some fat dabs, and now you’re uncomfortably high. It happens. Even the most experienced cannabis user has a story about the time they overdid it and needed information on ways to stop being high.
As researchers work to understand how to combat the negative side effects of marijuana, the cannabis community has discovered some effective ways to come down from a high that’s too intense. While there has never been a fatal marijuana overdose, it is possible to get uncomfortably high, with the fun effects of the weed replaced by the negative effects like anxiety and paranoia.
If that’s happening to you, you’re reading the right post.
Here’s what to do if you get too high.

What to Do If You Get Too High
Stay Calm
First and foremost, if you’re too high, stop smoking and stay calm.
If your anxiety is high and you just can’t calm down, try counted breathing. Counting your breath refocuses your attention, as well as calms you down. Here’s how to do it:
Inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of seven, and then exhale for a count of eight. This creates a pause between breaths and is highly effective at slowing things down.
Take CBD
Research shows cannabidiol (CBD) can reduce the negative effects of THC. If you find yourself too high, switch to smoking hemp strains containing less than 0.3% THC, or use a tincture sublingually for fast-acting relief.
More research on the synergistic effects of CBD and THC is still needed, but having some CBD oil or CBD-rich strains at the ready when you smoke can be an effective remedy if you get too high.
Take Ibuprofen
Many anti-inflammatory / COX inhibitor medications, such as ibuprofen, are effective in alleviating the effects of THC. If you find yourself wondering what to do when you get too high, take a couple ibuprofen and smoke some hemp. You’ll be sober again before you know it.
Distract Yourself
One of the best things to do when you get too high is to take a ten-minute bath or shower. Some people say take a hot shower, some say cold. Take a shower that’s comfortable for you, and it will relax you and help you come down from your high.
Go for a walk. The change in scenery will help, as will the fresh air. Additionally, exercise will increase the blood flow to other areas of your body, taking your attention away from the psychoactive effects happening in your brain.
Watch a favorite movie or television show. Pick something funny and upbeat, so it will positively distract you from being too high.
Eat Carbs and Sugar
Your blood pressure drops when you smoke marijuana, which convinces your body that it’s hungry. This is why consuming foods with high sugar content can dampen or eliminate your high. If you are too high, eat foods that are high in sugar or carbohydrates, which will counteract the drop in blood sugar and will numb the buzz of the wed.
Eat Citrus
Citrus fruits, such as lemons, contain the compound limonene, which is very calming. Eating citrus fruit when you get too high will help calm you down and alleviate your buzz. Eat it directly or add grated citrus rind to some drinking water.
How to Avoid Getting too High
Getting too high is the worst. Sure, you can’t fatally overdose on marijuana, you can still find yourself uncomfortably high. This can bring on negative effects like anxiety, confusion, and paranoia.
To avoid this, first learn to read cannabis labels. These break down the potencies of the strain. If you’re new to smoking, look for strains with 15% or less THC. Additionally, look for strains with a high CBD content, as this will counteract the effects of the THC, so you can avoid getting too high.
If you’re eating edibles, be sure to read our Beginner’s Guide to Edibles and start low while going slow. There’s no way to taste how potent an edible is, and it can take two or more hours before the effects kick in. This makes it so easy to consume enough to get too high. If you’re new to edibles, start with low-potency products, like Lush fruit chews, with 10mg THC. Eat one, and then don’t eat another until you feel the effects – even if it takes two hours.
To ensure you don’t have to Google what to do if you get too high again in the future, take note of what and how much you consumed. Next time, go for moderation – especially if you’re eating edibles.
If you’re wondering what to do if you get too high, follow these tips to come down faster.
Have you ever been too high? What did you do?
Disclaimer: Marijuana has intoxicating effects and may be habit-forming. Smoking is hazardous to your health. There may be health risks associated with consumption of Marijuana. Marijuana, in any form, should not be used by individuals that are pregnant or breastfeeding. Marijuana is intended for use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of reach of children. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. This product may be unlawful outside of Washington State.